Tank gauging means liquid measurement in large storage tanks to determine product volume. At Advanxis Technologies and process Automation we go beyound just Tank guaging to secure the asset owner automatic Tank guaging system with remote access via the internet.
We deplore Automatic Tank Gauging System to automatically measures the oil level, water level, temperature, and cubage (Vol.) in the tank via a tank calibration system, top configured notebook computer, Tablet and mobile printer, advanced self-setting software computation method that monitors the whole system from the comfort of the customer’s home, office or elsewhere with the help of GSM module that sends oil, water, and cubage(Vol.) level alerts as messages to the customer’s mobile phones amongst other features.

Our tank guaging system calibration is done with calibration best practice with appropriate certifications

Our Tank Calibration is compliant to API standards, ISO standards or client specified standard and includes the following:
- Volumetric Tank Tables
- Wall Verticality Assessment
- Wall Roundness and Shape
- Roof and Floor Profiles