Programmable Logic Controller


PLC an acronym which stands for programmable logic controller is the most widely used microprocessor based control system in the industry. It is a special computer specifically designed and fortified to handle control problems in the industry. It works in conjunction with sensors which serves as feedback to the process or machine and can be likened as the eyes of the PLC. The signals from the sensors are analyzed and controlling actions taking by the PLC on the process/machine according to the stored program of instruction in the memory of the PLC. The PLC ensures consistency, efficiency, economy and safety in the industrial production system and processes.

Who need this training

The training is specifically for fresh graduates, Engineers, technologist and technicians, plant manager, supervisors as well as those with science background.

Course Objective

At the end of this Training our trainees will be able to:

  • Demonstrate a sound Knowledge and understanding of how a PLC system work
  • Independently design a PLC system to automate a process/machine
  • Wire and interface PLC system with field devices
  • Wire up a relay control panel to field devices
  • Have good knowledge of various PLC brands, their capabilities and industries where they are mostly used
  • Write PLC program using either of the five Standard IEEE 1131-3 programming languages
  • Carry out pre-commissioning and commissioning of a typical PLC automated system
  • Carry out troubleshooting and maintenance on PLC systems
  • Write PLC programs in various PLC brands such as Siemens, Allen Bradley, Mitsubishi, Delta, Omron etc.
  • Demonstrate sound knowledge of PLC safety.
  • Carry out practical hands on networking between various PLCs, PCs, HMI, Field instruments, etc.

Course Module

Module I: Introduction to PLC

  • Basic concept of automation
  • PLC definition, evolution, advantage and application
  • PLC system types, brands and product series
  • Overview and physical examination of various PLC brands (eg Siemens, AB, Delta, Omron, etc)
  • Practice and exercise

Module II: PLC Hardware and Software

  • PLC System Hardware Components (PLC system, signal cables, adapters, etc)
  • PLC internal Architecture
  • PLC software overview (Semantic step 7, RSlogix, Melsoft, wplsoft, wprolad, CX one, etc)
  • Practice and Exercise

Module III: Input and output Devices

  • Concept of sensors
  • PLC Input devices (Limit Switches, Proximity switches, Photo sensors, encoders, pressure switches, temperature switches etc)
  • PLC output devices (motors, Relays, valves, solenoid, Lamps, etc)
  • Practice and exercise

Module IV: PLC Input/output processing and wiring

  • PLC Input/output unit data processing (concept of sourcing and sinking, Opto isolator, ADC & DAC, Relays, Transistor, Triac, etc)
  • Signal conditioning
  • Interfacing Input/Out devices with PLC input/output unit
  • Wiring Input/Out devices to PLC
  • PLC remote connection and networking
  • PLC scan time and addressing
  • Practice and exercise

Module V: PLC programming

  • Relay logic programming and practical relay wiring (programming and wiring up discrete relay, Timer, etc on a control panel)
  • Introduction to IEEE 1131-3 standard (LD, FBD, IL, SFC and ST)
  • Review and practical programming on the standard IEEE 1131-3 programming languages__ Ladder logic (LD), Function Block Diagram(FBD), Sequential Function Chart (SFC), Instruction List(IL), Structured Test (ST)
  • Downloading/uploading PLC programs
  • Practice, Simulation and Exercise

Module VI: Practical PLC Systems design

  • Program development from control narrative
  • PLC fault finding and troubleshooting
  • PLC commissioning ( Forcing Input/output, Testing, etc)
  • PLC safety (concept of fail-safe, HAZID, HAZOP, SIS, etc)
  • PLC system Documentation
  • Practice, simulation and exercise

Module VII: Practical Industrial Application program examples

  • Temperature control
  • Automatic Process control
  • Robotic control systems
  • Valve sequencing
  • Practice and exercise

Available PLC brand for training:
Siemens PLC
Allen Bradley PLC
Delta PLC
Mitsubishi PLC
GE Fanuc PLC
Fuji PLC
Omron PLC
Keyence PLC

Duration: 40hrs/3weeks

click here to register for this course