Module 1: Introduction
1) Basic concept and definitions, tools, CAD/CAM software, materials, etc.
2) Engineering drawing and computer aided drawings
3) solid shape development and transfer to work metal sheet
4) use of Auto CAD and Solid Works in Fabrication designs
5) Practice and exercise
Module 2: Welding process
1) types of welding
2) Welding tools and their uses
3) welding joints and standards
4) Welding safety and best practices
Module 3: Fabrication process
1) Fabrication materials and selection
2) metal preparation and cutting from design
3) CAM/CNC as a tool to aid design and fabrication
4) Practice and exercise
Module 4: Practical Projects in fabrication
1) Design and fabrication of spherical process vessel and its associated impulse piping
2) Design and fabrication of a hopper
3) Design and fabrication of industrial conveyor
4) special selected projects
Course Duration 42hrs/4weeks
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